First place in the category of health
The reservation is considered guaranteed at the moment of paying a deposit amounting to 30% of the operation cost, no later than 7 days from the day of making the reservation. In the case of a deposit payment not being recorded, the reserved date will be cancelled.
The change of the operation date cost 450 EUR.
Payments should be made to the accounts:
– for domestic payments: 36 1500 1722 1017 2010 3027 0000,
– for foreign payments: PL 36 1500 1722 1017 2010 3027 0000, SWIFT: KRDBPLPW
The amount of the deposit will be credited towards the price of the procedure after the completion of the medical treatment at Aesthetic Med. In case of cancellation less than 30 days before the planned treatment date, Aesthetic Med, as the receiver of the deposit, may keep the received amount. Cancellation prior to the date indicated above requires prior notification in writing. A telephone cancellation should be confirmed in writing. The refund of the deposit will occur within 30 days.
Clinic has won the rankings twice and became the best plastic surgery clinic in Poland. During the 32 years of existence of the clinic, over 30,000 operations were carried out.
15 May 2015
The sixth edition of the Hippocrates Plebiscite organized by “Głos Szczeciński” has ended, and the most popular and the most friendly in the medical industry were chosen thanks to the readers’ votes.
First place in the category of health
AESTHETICMED is the best in Poland private clinic of plastic surgery by the weekly magazine “WPROST” (No. 19, 2006)